The WeddingMix App allows anyone you give the code to shoot videos and photos and upload directly into your account. They can choose to send all of the files at once or just pick certain ones (to skip stuff that isn't very useful). If they use the app and take videos/photos from the Shot List Screen those will be grouped together. Otherwise everything is grouped by time.

The app videos will then be included with those from the HD cameras to choose from to create the custom edit. All the files (videos and photos) are then provided to you to have forever on DVD. One limitation with the app is video clips can only be 2 minutes long as HD video files sizes are huge and upload times would be so long many people would not bother.

The photos will not be available for use in your storyboard, as the WeddingMix edited video uses only video clips. If you would like to use photos the photo add on is an additional $100 for 50 photos. Contact us to purchased this add on.